We've had a busy and wonderful week, and we have a busy and wonderful week ahead. This is Sister Meek's last week as a full-time servant of the Lord. We plan for great and marvelous miracles. We were teaching a couple on Saturday and the discussion led to the authority we have as missionaries to preach the gospel and we pulled out Sister Meek's ministerial certificate and showed them, and the husband says, "Woah, it expires in 10 days!" It really hit us that her time is short. Transfer calls come Saturday so we'll see what changes happen. I'll be emailing on Tuesday and will have all the goodies for ya. Don't yall worry, I'm staying right here in good ol' Texar. :)
I don't even know where to begin, so much greatness happened this week!! Ahhh I love it!!!! We found a golden area! It's called....trailor park!!! yah!! In the past few days we have met so many people prepared for the gospel! It is amazing! The Lord truly has prepared people to receive his word. We gave a couple a BOM yesterday and they were excited! It was sooooo awesome! I love when people are receptive to are message! We also taught ANOTHER couple who has been searching for truth for a very long time. The wife has met with about every religion and is very confused. She has met with missionaries in the past, but she still has numerous questions. We taught really simply. We explained the Godhead and she goes, "That makes way more sense!" It was great then at the end we had a kneeling prayer and Sister Meek asked if she would offer it and she said she didn't know how to pray so we whipped open the pamphlet to the "how do I pray" box and she said the closing prayer! It was so sincere and heartfelt. Love it! Love them! LOVE teaching couples!!
Wednesday was an amazing amazing day!!!!!!!!!! We taught Amy, she is friends with Maria and Migel's mom, Cassy. She is amazing! One of the most spiritual lessons I have ever had. The elders were able to give her a blessing of comfort and the spirit was so strong. The Stls have been talking a lot about giving are investigators spiritual experiences instead of telling we need to show them. I don't know if that makes sense or not. That's what happened with Amy, instead of just testifying of the importance of God's authority, we were able to have her experience it for herself. We committed her to baptism and she said yes! Ahh it was amazing! She said that something just keeps pulling her back to listen to us. We committed her to pray if what we were saying is true and she says, "Well do I have to pray if I already know it's true, because I know that it is!" I am so excited!!!!!!
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We spent Independence Day, teaching Maria amd Migel |
Last Tuesday we saw a less active family that the bishop asked us to see. We were on exchanges so I went with Sister Jones. She is the perfect example of a holy woman. She is a powerful missionary and I look up to her so much! It was such a good time. We were able to ask inspired questions and she really opened up to us and said that she knew that God had sent us to her at this time for a reason, and that her prayers were answered and she wants to get sealed to her husband in the temple. It was pretty amazing! God answers prayers!
On Thursday we spent the day with Sister Ethridge. It was sooooo fun! We helped her in her garden in the morning. We picked tomatoes, turnips, and weeded her potato patch. It was pretty fun to be out working with her. She is a great woman and we look up to her a lot. It was fun to be out in the garden, we sang hymns, and laughed and had a good time. She then fed us lunch, (Hoggies!), and then we went visiting teaching with her to see a less active sister, and had quite the experience there, but due to mom's fear of snakes I wont go into details. It was....scary.
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Helped weed Sister Ethridge's potato patch |
We didn't get all the weeding done I told Sister Ethridge that I didn't feel right about leaving are work unfinished so we told her we would be back the next day to finish what we started. It was the 4th so we did are usual in the morning, and got are tracting done, then in the late afternoon we headed out to the Ethridges again. It was hot and hard work, but we got er done. Working with Sister Meek is always fun! We got so dirty and sweaty, but it was fun, good memories. After we finished we showered and then we went to a 4th of July celebration. Brother Ethridge's friend invited them to a celebration at their church so we all went to it. It was like being in a hallmark movie. Yall would have loved it. It was in Fouke Arkansas. We drove down a long country road with beautiful country homes and ended up at a church. They had music, homemade peach cobbler (soo good), and fireworks. It was all real southern, and I loved it. I wish yall could have seen it, it was awesome. Who would have thought I'd end up at a place like this.
Love yall.
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Aunt Bev and mom sent me a July 1 package to help Celebrate Canada Day. |
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