How are y'all doing this lovely Monday morning. It was great to see the pictures of the snow. Our ward mission leader texted us Thursday morning to tell us that it snowed in Calgary overnight. The weather has been crazy here. We've had a cold front and some good rain. We needed the rain.
I have a ton to write about today and I hope it all makes sense and comes out how it should. We have been so richly blessed in Texarkana. In my weekly letter to President McDonough I asked if I could stay in Texarkana forever, he wrote me back and said that it may not happen. haha For now I will thoroughly enjoy every minute I have here. I love it so much.
I mentioned a little last week of the struggle Sister Bithell and I have been having the past few weeks with finding the elect and actually teaching people. We would tract only to get doors in the face or people tell us they have already been "saved." We were getting super frustrated and discouraged. Are zone leaders taught district meeting
on Wednesday and it was powerful. I wont go into detail, but President McDonough has had some inspired revelation to move the mission upward and onward. Our mission is doing things that have never been done before. To do things never done, we must do things we have never done. The Texarkana zone has taken this principle pretty seriously, we've initiated the law of sacrifice. D:C 97:8-9. Anyways we are pretty pumped. Sister Bithell and I were pumped after district meeting to go out and work are hardest. Well the afternoon seemed to go anything but the way we had imagined. We were ready to be bold and testify on every door, well that can't happen if doors don't open or people don't give you the time of day. We went home that night extremely frustrated. We had a really good talk about faith and sacrifice and immediately began listing things we needed to sacrifice and change and initiated a plan. Sister Bithell got a bike so
Thursday we set out on are bikes and went out finding. Miracle after miracle came to us. The good Lord showed us where to go and gave us the words to speak. We were able to find, teach, and commit to baptism. At the district meeting the zone leaders had us describe are next person we were going to baptize and write it down on a card. The whole zone did this, within the first two days everyone had found their card and made a new one.
On Sunday the bishop invited us all to ward council and we were all pumped about all the baptisms coming up and the returning members that have been coming. I love it. I love missionary work, and I love the Lord.
At the church library e-mailing our parents |
Amy's Baptism day |
P-Day at the church house e-mailing family |
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