Guess who my new companion is?!? Sister
at the Ethridges |
taught my girl how to drive the little tractor
Hi Family! Can I just say that Friday morning until right now has felt like an eternity! Right now I'm running on three and a half hours of sleep. So many amazing things have happened! Friday morning (7:15 am) we got transfer calls from President McDonough. Come to find that Sister Hartley is getting transferred! It was super hard to break the news to Amy and Torie. Torie (Amy's daughter) was scheduled to get baptized Saturday. Well Saturday morning Amy calls us and says that Torie wants to get baptized Monday night before I leave! We called Bishop and the ward mission leader and they both approved it! Yah!! It was amazing! It was pretty short notice, but the ward support was incredible! Everyone loves Amy and Torie! They are both amazing! Ahh I love them!! It was so hard to say goodbye.
Oh you're probably wondering where I got transferred...cue Johnny Cash, "I'm going to Jackson." Yes I got transferred to Jackson, MS. I guess I've been too rowdy up in Texarkana, President needs to keep a closer eye on me. Our apartment is about 7 minutes away from the mission home! haha. Funny story, it has been the goal of some Texarkana ward members to fatten me up, when I told a member (who is the spitting image of Shelly Spencer) that I was leaving she said, "Oh are they going to feed you there? Do we need to send you with a note?" it was pretty funny!
I am companions with Sister Jones! I am sooo excited to serve with her. She is amazing! I am going to learn so much from her. President asked me to serve as a Sister Training Leader. We go on exchanges with the sisters in the Jackson zone and we also get to pick up the new missionaries from the airport each transfer. I am excited for this new adventure, I know I need to rely on the Lord. On Monday(Canadian Thanksgiving!) we have MLC (Mission Leader Council) Elder Zwick of the seventy will be there. Sister Jones says this next week is crazy so I don't know when I'll be emailing.
I am so grateful that I was able to serve for 4 transfers in Texarkana. It was so hard to leave. Texarkana has my heart. I am so grateful to be serving the Lord. I love doing His work.
Storm through Texarkana |
District potluck between conferences
Saying Goodbye, so hard!
Torie's Baptism!
Transfer Point, are girls are all grown up! |
of our district at Transfer Point |
This is Sister Quilty from Sterling! She knows Beth, and grew up with
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